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Women's Association Donation marks 30 year Fundraising Milestone

A local Women's Association have donated to the Royal Stoke Cancer Centre, marking the end of over thirty years' dedicated fundraising.

Lali Nayar the founder member said “Many years ago I set up the group which was then known as the Overseas Doctor's Wives Club, as a platform for informal meetings and get together for local doctor's wives or women in the medical field themselves. Due to growth in numbers, by including women from all backgrounds, it then became the Overseas Wives Association before finally becoming The Women's Association in recent years to be more inclusive"

"We originally had twelve members and grew to over sixty at one point, we met in each other's homes before moving to larger premises in the last five to six years when we have met at Keele as a venue. We met up four times a year and enjoyed demonstrations, lectures and fashion shows, always with additional monetary charitable donations for local causes."

Lali continued to say, "Regrettably as we are all getting older, and priorities have changed we have had to close down the group. One of our members, Dr Rajanee Bhana Consultant Clinical Oncologist here at The Royal Stoke Cancer Centre, suggested we make a donation from the accumulated funds to the centre to mark the end of an era, we all agreed, so here we are today donating one thousand one hundred pounds to the centre"

Dr Bhana said, “It has been a privilege and honour to be a member of the Women's Association, it is a sad day, but this donation will help to make a difference and enhance the care received by our future service users."

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