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UHNM Medical Director to run Stafford Half Marathon

A University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust (UHNM) Director is running this year’s Stafford Half Marathon to raise funds for UHNM Charity.

Dr Matthew Lewis, UHNM’s Medical Director is currently in training to tackle the 13.1-mile course on Sunday 12 March.

We’ve spoken Dr Lewis, a gastroenterologist, about the run, and why he decided to do it for UHNM Charity.

Why do you run?

"With our line of work it’s easy to become unfit, so I try to take the time each mornings to do some exercise to keep myself fit and avoid putting on too much weight. I just feel so much better if I’m keeping active, so running is a way of keeping myself feeling well."

"I also enjoy the challenge that comes with running. It feels great taking part in a half marathon or 10K, especially when you get to the end of them- there’s a great sense of achievement and nice too if you beat a target you’ve set."

Why are you running for UHNM Charity?

"I’ve taken part in half marathons in the past, but over the past couple of years I haven’t been running in the same way. So I wanted to get back into it, and this is a great opportunity also for me to raise the profile of UHNM Charity and generate funds to improve patient care and experience at UHNM. It’s also good fun taking part in something outside of work that will support a really good cause here at UHNM."

What advice would you give to staff thinking doing their own run?

"Probably start training a bit earlier before the race than I did! Also, try do a little bit of exercise regularly, even if it’s going for a walk or short run. I lot of people I know have done the Couch to 5k for instance, and have found that really useful as part of a regulated and structured programme."

"But any exercise is good. And build it up. If you set yourself small challenges and achieve them it is encouraging and you can then stretch and stretch it. For example, you might start off by doing a one or two mile run, but before you know it you might be able to do a half marathon."

Donate Here

Has Dr Lewis inspired you to run for UHNM Charity?! You can run the Potter’s Arf Marathon in June for FREE when you run for UHNM Charity! Call us on 01782 676 444 or email for more information.

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