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Tracey puts her best foot forward for UHNM Charity and our Patient Advice and Liaison Service

UHNM administrator Tracey Lane has helped to improve the experience of patients at both Royal Stoke and County hospitals by completing the Potters ‘Arf Marathon.  

Tracey (left), who works in the Quality Improvement Academy on the Improving Together initiative, decided to fundraise for PALS after volunteering in the service.

She said: “I was originally promoted to do a half marathon by my best friend who is suffering from MS as part of my ’50 Firsts’ I’m completing for my 50th birthday. I’ve already done an indoor skydive, zipwire and other walks and wanted to add a half marathon.”

“Having worked with PALS on a voluntary basis I wanted to raise funds for them as they don’t often get the recognition they deserve after working so hard. The team are absolutely lovely, approachable and they offer so much help to our patients. They have a demanding job and are so professional with it all and they will take that extra step to help somebody who knocks on their door- I’m in awe of them.”

“The marathon was incredibly hard. I walk anyway and am in the middle of doing the Staffordshire Way as part of my 50 Firsts. I was doing very well up until the Sneyd Hill and that almost finished me off. But there were so many others taking part for UHNM Charity who just cheered you on, the whole experience was fantastic. You’d see another UHNM runner or walker and would cheer each other on, but I’m doing it again next year without a doubt. Physically it was challenge but an amazing experience.”

She presented her cheque to Sophie Reid, Complaints, PALS and Volunteers Service Manager who said: “We’re incredibly grateful to Tracey for her extraordinary effort in completing the Potters ‘Arf in aid of the Patient Advice and Liaison Service at UHNM. It really means a lot to the team that Tracey has recognised the fantastic work that they do and has fundraised for our team. Every penny raised will be spent on resources to enable us to better provide advice, support and information to the patients at UHNM on a range of health-related matters and help improve their experience.”

Walk, Run, Swim, Cycle

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