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School holds Disney-themed Fundraiser in Memory of Ada Rose

Wood Lane Primary School in Stoke-on-Trent held a Disney Day in memory of Ada Rose who tragically lost her life to an extremely rare condition called restrictive cardiomyopathy.

Organised by Ada’s mum Kristy who works as a lunchtime supervisor at the school, the fundraising event was in aid of Wards 216 and 217 at Staffordshire Children’s Hospital at Royal Stoke.

Kristy said: “On 22 August my daughter, Ada Rose lost her life at the age of just two years old to an extremely rare condition called restrictive cardiomyopathy."

"Her journey with illness started at five months old with recurring chest infections. Gradually they got better and stopped but in July she got admitted to Staffordshire Children’s Hospital at Royal Stoke with swelling to her feet and legs and we found out she had an enlarged heart."

"She was then transferred to Birmingham Children's Hospital and had echo scans, ECG tests, blood tests and was diagnosed with restrictive cardiomyopathy and we were told she needed a heart transplant."

"She was between appointments at Royal Stoke and Birmingham, and after contracting an infection she unfortunately lost her battle. I wanted like to raise money to donate to the two wards at Royal Stoke who helped her."

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