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Join us in a “sponsored move” as we collectively go Around the World

Developed and launched at University Hospitals of North Midlands our ‘Sit Up, Get Dressed and Keep Moving’ campaign aims to help healthcare professionals recognise the long-term effects of deconditioning, implement simple measures to prevent it, and educate patients and carers about the importance of remaining active during hospital admission and following discharge.

Here at UHNM we are fortunate to have Dr Amit Arora, Consultant Geriatrician, who created the Sit Up, Get Dressed and Keep Moving campaign and Ann-Marie Riley, our Chief Nurse, who nationally champions the benefits of patients keeping active and avoiding deconditioning. Alongside the associated #endpjparalysis campaign deconditioning gain increased recognition.

Now we are looking for your support to help us further raise awareness by joining us in a “sponsored move” and collectively go Around the World.

Research has shown that during a stay in hospital between 30% and 55% of older patients show a decline in the ability to perform routine activities such as bathing, getting dressed and going to the toilet. These changes can lead to a loss of independence and the need for residential care. Deconditioning syndrome is also associated with pneumonia, skin breakdown leading to pressure ulcers, constipation, incontinence, depression and an increased risk of falls.

Why not join us on our journey around the world. Walk, run, cycle, row, dance, or skip … however you’d like to get active, we invite you to get sponsored and let us know how far you travelled, all while raising money for UHNM Charity. Starting on Thursday 4 July and finishing on Thursday 11 July the sponsored event will co-inside with the Global #endpjparalysis summit.

Let’s move together and travel round the world while we raise awareness and money!

Download the sponsor form here>

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UHNM Charity

Walk, Run, Swim, Cycle

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