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Fundraiser Matthew returns to run in memory of son

The inspirational Matthew Jones getting ready to run again for UHNM Charity- taking part in The Carsington Water Half Marathon.

Matthew will be lacing up his trainers in memory of son Seb, and raising funds for Neonatal Unit UHNM Stoke-On-Trent.

He said “When finding out myself and Amy were expecting our first child together, our lives, and our families and friend’s lives, were filled with joy and excitement. Sadly, we didn't get the happy ending we hoped for."

"In July 2020, Amy, who was only 25 weeks pregnant, ended up in hospital with sickness and severe pain below her ribs."

"Whilst in A&E, Amy's condition deteriorated quickly, her blood pressure spiked and she suffered from multiple seizures. What we didn't know at the time was that Amy had been suffering from Pre Eclampsia and high blood pressure, which had escalated and turned into Eclampsia.”

“Amy's health was deteriorating further and her life was at risk, which meant that the only way of keeping her safe was to deliver Sebastian via an emergency caesarean section 15 weeks early. Throughout, I was terrified that I was going to lose my best friend. However, the decisions made by the hospital staff saved her life, and for that, I don't think I can express how grateful I am.”

“Before the operation, we were told that there was very little chance of Sebastian making it out alive, but due to the unbelievable work of all the surgeons, nurses, midwives and other hospital staff, Sebastian was born at 4:27am on 5 July weighing only 1lb 1oz, and he was taken straight to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Over the next days, the staff provided incredible care and support to Sebastian and Amy. They did everything they possibly could, comforted us, and informed us of all decisions along the way.”

“Unfortunately, on 6 July at 9:30pm, Sebastian sadly passed away. Doctors said that he had been fighting incredibly hard for the whole pregnancy, and fought all the way to the end to get a chance for us to meet as a family. Myself and Amy were absolutely heart broken, lost and numb. The NICU team, midwives on the ward and the family bereavement rooms gave us the opportunity to spend precious time with Seb before his passing, and for this, we will be forever grateful.”

“The facilities that provided us with so much comfort, and gave us memories we will never forget. We cannot imagine going through this experience without these facilities being in place.”

Matthew had previously run the Hanley Economic Potters Arf Marathon in 2021 for our charity.


Has Matthew inspired you to lace up your trainers for UHNM Charity? You can run the Hanley Economic Potters Arf Marathon for FREE when you commit to raising £100 for us! Give our team a call on 01782 676444 or email for more details.

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