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Family begin epic '23,000,000 steps in 2023' fundraising challenge

Former UHNM patient Abigail Stevenson and her family have begun their 23,000,000 steps in 2023 challenge.

Twelve-year-old Hollie and Millie, eight-year-old Abbie along with dad Michael are attempting to walk an enormous 23,000,000 steps between them this year to raise funds for our Critical Care Unit and Acute Trauma and Rehabilitation Unit (ARTU).

Mum Abigail said: “I suffered a very serious car accident in February 2020 and was looked after by the wonderful staff on Critical Care Pod 6 and ARTU at UHNM. My husband and our three children want to walk the 23,000,000 steps over the course of the year as a thank you for the incredible support and care they provided to myself following my accident.”

“As our children are aged twelve and eight it could prove to be quite a challenge for them as we’ve worked out they each need to be walking an average of 16,000 steps a day to hit the target. They intend to go on long walks each weekend and will make up any shortfall in the week, pacing around the house to increase steps.”

“We would be incredibly grateful if anyone could spare even the smallest amount to donate to a cause close to our hearts."

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