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Edd's Half Marathon for Hospital Colleagues

Edd Davies, Rotational Pharmacist at University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust has recently ran the Cheshire Half Marathon for UHNM Charity.

Edd completed the course at Capesthorne Hall in a chip time of 01:58:40.

He said: “I wanted to do something to push myself and raise money for a great cause as well. As one of the Rotational Pharmacists at UHNM, I'm currently working on Ward 227 at Royal Stoke, the Acute Trauma and Rehabilitation Unit (ARTU). ARTU specialises in the complex, long-term rehabilitation of severely ill and injured patients, including those who are unfortunate enough to suffer from life-changing traumatic events."

"I think they’re one of the most brilliant wards. The road to rehabilitation for such patients is often a very long and complex, requiring dedication, teamwork and compassionate care from staff of all different healthcare disciplines.”

“I’d never run a half marathon before, or even close to that sort of distance, but with the motivation of knowing it’s for such a great cause I was able to achieve it.”

And congratulations to Edd who raised a fantastic £190 for ARTU and UHNM Charity. 

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