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Craft group raises £500 for cancer care at UHNM

A big UHNM Charity thank you to the lovely ladies from the U3A (University of the Third Age) Friday Card Group in Biddulph, who raised £500 for Royal Stoke’s Chemotherapy Unit though the sales of their cards over the past year.

Leader Linda Hubbert said: “The group has been going for so many years and we’re all friends together. We’ve been through so many things together, people have lost loved ones, I lost my daughter, and having those friends there makes a difference.”

“We have a laugh together, cakes and tea and sometimes a cheeky joke. For me it’s also a structure, to my week and a way of getting social interaction and a laugh.”

“We try and raise £500 a time for a chosen charity, every charity is linked to a member of the group. This time, one of our members had cancer, and unfortunately we did lose her. So this time around we chose UHNM Charity and the Chemotherapy Unit at Royal Stoke in memory of Veronica.”

“She loved coming to the group, and would always tell us how every time she went for treatment how wonderful the staff were to her. She said they were like angels to her, they were marvellous to her and encouraged her and helped her through things.”

“Every penny raised is so important. It might seem like I can’t do anything, but it doesn’t matter if it takes a week to raise your money or a year, it doesn’t matter. As long as they’ve got the money at the end of it its important.”

“From a personal perspective, I also do cards for the Breast Care Unit because they’ve helped me through, and I think we’ve all got something to be grateful to the hospital for.”

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