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Charlie takes on fundraising triathlon to help grandad after cancer diagnosis


A Stoke-on-Trent schoolboy has made his granddad ‘proud and emotional’ after deciding to take on his own fundraising challenge for UHNM Charity.

Ten-year-old Charlie Lievesley, of Kidsgrove, completed a gruelling mini-triathlon, which consisted of a five-mile run, 15-mile bike ride and one-mile swim to help his granddad who was diagnosed with bowel cancer in February 2019

Mel Lievesley is currently receiving targeted therapy at University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust (UHNM) aimed at controlling his cancer which has since spread to lungs and chest cavity..

Support by Mel, his nan Karen, his parents Kelly and Adrian Lievesley as well as youngers sister Macie he has raised £5,650 for UHNM Charity which will be used to provide improved patient experiences for all patients at the Cancer Centre at Royal Stoke University Hospital.

Mel said: “Charlie taking the initiative to do something for his granddad and UHNM Charity was a very emotional thing for me, I’m beyond words and so proud of him. I know all grandchildren are special, but he’s gone the extra mile. I’ve always been a very positive person - family, friends and positivity are what have pulled me through the last three and half years.

“I can’t say enough about the Cancer Centre at UHNM, the staff and the treatment I’ve had there has been out of this world. I want to thank family and friends for being so supportive, as well as everybody who attended our event at The Plough Inn, all of your support helped Charlie achieve his goals.”

Steve Rushton, Head of UHNM Charity, added: “We’re very grateful to Charlie for undertaking his challenge and raising an incredible amount which will make a difference to so many patients at the Cancer Centre at Royal Stoke. Charlie’s sponsored triathlon is just one of the ways people can fundraise for us, and I encourage as many people thinking of doing a similar event to get in touch with our fundraising team for inspiration.”

If you would like to fundraise for UHNM Charity visit for more information, or call 01782 676444 to speak to one of the UHNM Charity team.


Walk, Run, Swim, Cycle

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