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Cancer patient experience improved thanks to tea-riffic birthday fundraiser

The experience of cancer patients at both Royal Stoke and County hospitals has been improved thanks to a tea-riffic birthday fundraiser.

To celebrate her 70th birthday on 20 August, Jean Craddock held a fundraising tea party at St Michael’s Church in Cross Heath.

Jean decided to host the birthday tea party to thank staff at the UHNM Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centres for care given to brother Leonard and nephew Mark.

Jean’s party raised a tea-mendous £1,900 through a cake stall, raffle and tombola, plant sale and birthday donations.

Earlier this week she visited the Royal Stoke to present her cheque.

She said: “With my brother and nephew both suffering from cancer and having received help from Macmillan Cancer Support, I thought what can I do on my 70th birthday to help, so decided on a fundraising tea party.”

“The day involved a lot of setting up tables, cutting up cake and making tea but I have amazing friends who wanted to help including friends from church and Trentham Gardens where I’m a volunteer gardener.”

“We had friends attend we hadn’t seen in 30 years and even a donation from Bermuda where I’ve previously lived. It’s surprising what a cup of tea and piece of cake can generate!”

Stephanie Myatt, UHNM Macmillan Cancer Support and Information Officer added: “We’re thrilled that Jean decided to mark her special birthday by fundraising for us. The money raised will enable us to purchase further patient information and other resources helping us to provide support and advice to those diagnosed with cancer at both Royal Stoke and County Hospitals.”

Everybody at UHNM Charity would like to wish Jean a very happy 70th birthday!

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